Due to recent concerns over the safety and security of Afghan Nationals depicted in our and others’ public-facing communications platforms through the years, and given the increased risk to Afghan Nationals (along with their families) who assisted the CAF during our mission in Afghanistan, we have decided to have a look at CAF Combat Camera imagery and videos, the National Defence Imagery Library (NDIL) and the CAF social media accounts. The overall goal is to remove (not delete) imagery (and videos) that may be sensitive and could be used by opposing forces; this process that we have recently adopted is in line with our NATO partners and OGDs.

I would ask that you perform a similar task in your own public-facing websites, social media accounts, and publically accessed imagery (and video) libraries. When in doubt, please err on the side of caution.

Please forward any questions or concerns to my office.

Captain Lisa Evong


Public Affairs Officer, 5th Canadian Division Support Group
Canadian Armed Forces
lisa.evong@forces.gc.ca  / Tel: 506-422-2000 x 3364 / BB: 506-260-8811


Officier des affaires publiques, Groupe de soutien de la 5e Division du Canada
Forces armées canadiennes
lisa.evong@forces.gc.ca /Tél : 506-422-2000 x 3364 / BB : 506-260-8811

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