Welcome to the Defence Team!

We are thrilled to embrace your diverse perspectives to help us reach our goals. As a new student to DND, there is a lot to learn in your new role. Don’t worry – we got you covered. We have plenty of great resources to help you navigate in your new role at DND:

  • The Student Passport will guide you through the onboarding lifecycle, starting on your first day and then at key milestones throughout your work term. It is essential that you complete the tasks, as this will help you to grow, integrate and become more familiar with the Defence Team.
  • The Student Cheat Sheet will serve as your one-stop guide for a quick reference, tips and guidance with tools to help you understand the organization.
  • Delivered virtually by the Learning and Career Centres (LCCs), the DND Orientation Session for new students course will introduce you to the culture and environment of DND and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). You will learn about the various DND/CAF organizations, their roles, their responsibilities and your pay. If you do not receive an invitation, please contact the NCWIT with a copy of your Letter of Offer (LOO).

Check out these networks to create a community of connections to maximize your experience here at DND:

One last thing: When employees self-identify as being a member of an employment equity group, it helps the department measure its ongoing progress toward reflecting Canada’s changing demographics in its workforce. If you are interested, ask your manager about self-identifying or contact Diversity-Diversite@forces.gc.ca if you have questions about the self-identification program.

Your supervisor is your first point of contact if you have any questions about your onboarding experience!

If you have an HR question, you can contact HR Connect RH online (accessible only on the National Defence network) or by calling 1-833-747-6363 or download the HR Go RH App (accessible only on the National Defence network) today!

Welcome aboard!