By now, most of us know that we must exercise at least 3 times a week to remain healthy. But did you know that you should also spend less time sitting? Between sitting at a desk all day and sitting on the couch at night, many of us can spend on average over 12 hours a day in a sitting position. This habit creates health problems and it has a name: The Sitting Disease.  

 The Negative Impact of Sitting  

Exercise alone does not repair damage to our system from sitting too much. This damage can lead to longer-term health complications including obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, heart attack.  

 How to combat the Sitting Disease  

Stand up and move more– standing increases your energy, burns more calories, tones muscle, improves your posture and increases blood flow.  

Here are a few tips:   

  • Stand up while you are on the phone. Better yet, walk around.  
  • Take the stairs.  
  • Walk after you eat lunch.  
  • Stand up and stretch when you are at your computer for long periods.  
  • Stand up or do exercises while watching TV.  
  • Go refill your water glass every hour.  


When you can …Stand!  

When you can…Walk!